What to find in a good thriller.

Sunday 2 May 2010 04:36 Posted by Adam Bailey
What to find in a good thriller.

When trying to analyse a good thriller there are many different aspects to consider. For example there is not just one type of thriller movie to examine. Different genres of thrillers have different characteristics. When a thriller is made it will usually conform to the design of a hero being challenged in some way by big better equipped villain/villains.

Genres of thriller:

· Action thriller:

In these types of thriller works qualities are always needed. For example a large amount of gun and explosions are a necessity. Usually action thrillers combine with other genres such as crime or spy however action usually is the front seat genre. Examples of this genre are James bond and the transporter.

· Conspiracy thriller:

These usual consist of a hero who has discovered a mysterious truth about an organisation and are confronted by a group or cult. The Da Vinci Code and Angles and demons fall under this category.

· Crime thriller:

Crime thrillers usual put more focus on the criminal’s side of the tale rather than the police. Key topics in this genre usually conform to robberies, murders and double crosses. This genre usually over enthuse action and gun fights over psychological features. Movies that fall into this genre are Se7en, The godfather, Training day, face off and A time to kill.

· Disaster thriller:

These movies usually follow a trait of a natural disaster (earthquake or floods) causing a conflict or an unfortunate relapse. The day after tomorrow follows these aspects.

· Drama thriller:

These can sometimes combine with other genres such as crime or action, but will usually be more slow passed and focus on character development and twists in the plot. Examples include Fight Club and Inglorious basterds.

· Sci-fi thriller:

Sci-fi move away from reality and use the imagination to create a new type of thriller. In this genre an average person is usually thrown into an unusual situation and must get out alive. Alien, the matrix, predator and I am ledged are all examples of Sci-fi thriller.

· Horror thriller:

In these movies an average person is placed in a situation where a group of enemies or antagonists are after him/her and he/she has to destroy them.

· Legal thriller:

These movies are usually based on a lawyer solving a crime or having a crime committed upon them or upon a loved one. These crimes usually cannot be resolved in a court room and outside help must be put into action. A time to kill and the negotiator fall into the legal thriller genre.

· Medical thriller:

In the medical thriller genre a hero is usually a doctor or nurse are put in a situation where they must solve a medical condition within a time limit. I am ledged can fall into this category although it is also sci-fi (though mostly sci-fi and medical genre combine)

· Political thriller:

Where a high ranked political character needs to be protected or stabilised. Usually consist of assassination attempts and terrorism. Agency falls into this category.

· Psychological thriller:

In which a character has more of an emotional or mental conflict rather than physical. Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho is probably the best example of a psychological thriller.

· Spy thriller:

Usually in this genre the main character is a government agent and is up against an antagonist (usually a terrorist) in these plots there are usually twists and betrayals, but will usually resolve. Examples of this genre are James Bond, mission impossible and the Bourne identity.

· Techno thriller:

Where technology is used to solve crimes and terrorists plots. Usually the technology is more advanced than today and can fall into the sci-fi category at times. The hunt for red October falls best into this category as well as Robocop.

· Religious thriller:

The plot usually draws close to religious themes in this genre. Where questions are asks and conspiracies raised but all link back to religious views. The Da Vinci Code.

Information obtained and reworked from wikipedia

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