Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho

Tuesday 20 April 2010 13:11 Posted by Adam Bailey

Describe and discuss some of the ways Hitchcock creates tension & suspense in “Psycho”.

Hitchcock’s Psycho uses a series of methods and techniques to create suspense and tension. Diagetic and non diagetic noises have been used throughout to build up hostility, as well as give the viewer a feel of discomfort. In addition throughout the movie Hitchcock has experimented with different camera angles and shots to increase anticipation. Furthermore mis en sene helps represent each character in different ways to the audience; however in some cases juxtaposing their true qualities.

Relationships between the murderer and his victims are created in “Psycho”. Rather than have the victims be spontaneous attacks. The murder victims come to know the killer before being killed. This leads the audience to believe that the murder is innocent as Hitchcock cleverly does not reveal any information about the murder until the characters in the movie learn about him; putting the audience inside the movie rather than a spectator.

The murder and his first victim create a bond when they first meet in his bed and breakfast. From first appearance the murder looks suspicious but not dangerous. His calm on edge personality juxtaposes his alter ego. The audience as well as his first victim soon grow uncomfortable of him when we learn he has a hobby of stuffing dead animals; although this is strange it is actually the better of two evils as he is actually using the chemicals that keep the animals fresh and clean to keep his mothers dead body preserved.

“Psycho’s” shower scene is Hitchcock’s most well known sequence. In this scene Hitchcock has placed his victim in one of the most venerable positions a person can be; in the shower. Here the editors have used quick cuts and non diagetic sounds of orchestral violins to build up suspense. We also can see the murders silhouette behind the shower curtain as he draws closer to his victim holding a knife. As the killer is stabbing his victim non diagetic shrieks from violins mimic the knife punctuating the body.

The mother of deranged killer is not exposed throughout the whole movie. Although we hear the voice of the woman Hitchcock disguises her face and the murderers face. Toward the conclusion of the picture we learn the young man had taken a second persona of his mother after she died. A non diagetic overlaid monologue of the mothers voice plays over the end scene as the camera shoots a close up of the murders face in jail.

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