Continuity exercise - The Pursuit

Tuesday 20 April 2010 12:53 Posted by Adam Bailey

Continuity exercise - The Pursuit

When filming our continuity exercise the main objectives were to experiment with different shots and cuts and more importantly keeping a feel of genuineness. As well as this create an authentic action style chase scene between a victim and an assailant. I believe this was achieved accurately with techniques such as low key lighting, quick cuts, non- diagetic music and experimenting with cuts.

Whilst filming the piece considerations had to be made with clothing and surroundings to make sure the continuity is correct throughout the scene. Because the sequence took over a day to film we had to make notes of the clothes the characters were wearing and all the surrounding objects in the background.

In the editing the lighting was altered to more low key making the scene look more black and white for a feel of good, evil and fear. In addition to this non-diagetic music was added of violins and drums rhythmically punctuating at a high tempo and slowly increasing in dynamics to build up tension.

Finally experiments with different shots were sampled to get an idea of what worked well in action scene editing. We concluded that quick cuts and fades worked best for keeping the tension going.

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